
Time: Linus Torvalds Crashes Through Windows

Thanks to Ross Nesbitt for
this link.

“Software engineers have long complained about Bill Gates’
Windows operating system, the internal logic that drives an
estimated 84% of the world’s personal computers: it’s too complex,
too secretive, too expensive. Finland’s Linus Torvalds, 29, decided
to do more than complain. In 1991, while still a student at the
University of Helsinki, he created Linux…”

“Though Linux was originally seen as a quixotic challenge to
Windows, major industry players such as IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Dell
Computer and Silicon Graphics have recently endorsed the

“TIME DIGITAL contributor Peggy Salz-Trautman chats with
Torvalds, who has since left Europe for Silicon Valley, where he is
working on projects for microprocessor designer Transmeta Corp. He
still tinkers with Linux in his spare time.”

Complete story

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