[ Thanks to Jeff
Gerhardt for this link. ]
Tonight Live: Dave Whitinger Plus Microsoft
Monoculture>> on The Linux Show!!
Tonight: On The Linux Show!!
Tuesday, February 17th, 2004 from Chicago IL
Tonight on www.thelinuxshow.com.
Kevin Hill, Arne Flones, Doc Searls, Russ Pavlicek AND Jeff
Gerhardt are bringing you a great show tonight ready to
Segment One- The News. We will cover
THE HOT NEWS of the week including: More on the
Novell Linux Coming out party, Microsoft news (told you so), the EU
pounces, a clueless pundit or two…….. and way more.
Story Links
- The News This Weeks
- Mircosoft & Linux- differing opinions about Microsoft
to launch MS Office for Linux–By Sverker Brundin, Computer
Sweden – Infoworld
Microsoft dominance poses security threat–CNN.Com- EU rejects
latest Microsoft offer, sources say–By AP - Microsoft’s
Loss Not Linux’s Gain –By Susan Kuchinskas – Internet
Will Longhorn become a Microsoft Linux distro?–By: Chris
Gulker – an oldie at OSDN
- Disney Board
Rejects Comcast Offer–By –
Why UN’s information society summit is doomed to fail–By:
Joe Barr – NewsForge
Remains of Darwin’s ship may lie under Essex mud–CNN
–- Open letter to
Sun: Let Java Go–By Eric Raymond – OSI - Sun
CEO: Open source is our friend– By Stephen Shankland –
CNet ZDNet - February
16, 2004 Who’s The Fastest Growing Linux Distro? –By Sean
Michael Kerner – Internet News - Arch
Linux: An End To My Distro Shuffle?–By Andrew Barilla
– OS News - New Site- Linux
Beginner dot org–welcome
- Mircosoft & Linux- differing opinions about Microsoft
- The Weekly SCO
- Red
Hat Seeks action on Behalf of Lehman Brothers–Groklaw
IT Investor’s Journal: An analysis of SCO Group–By: Melanie
Hollands – OSDN IT Managers Journal
AT&T Trips Up SCO–Computerworld – Old news from
Groklaw but it is now apparent that the rest of tech media is
finally cluing in to how hopeless SCO is
SCO Group’s demands on fees may spark action –By JUHA
SAARINEN – New Zealand Herald
SCO makes no IP licence sales in ANZ–By Siobhan
McBride – Computerworld
- Red
- Old SCO
- Friday’s Hearing (02/06/04)- The Transcript as
Text–By Pam and team – Groklaw - US
markets warm to Linux makers over SCO –By – The
Register - Stolen SCO Code in
Linux Cannot be Displayed–By – - Groklaw
Takes A Closer Look at the ABI Files, –By by Frank Sorenson
et al – Groklaw - Now
They (SCO) Say They Are Down — Since Saturday Night– - Now is the winter
of SCO discontent–By Peter Williams and Ian Lynch –
VnuNet - Tigran
Aivazian Says His SMP Contributions to Linux Kernel While at SCO
Were Approved by his Boss– Groklaw
SCO code to be protected in closed court–By Andrew Colley,
ZDNet Australia- The
Most Recent McBride FUD letter - Larry
Lessig finally chimes in on SCO - Cross
Your Heart and Hope to Die, SCO?–By Staff–
Groklaw - The
Grinch Who Stole Linux–By Scott Lazar of Groklaw - Novell deal good
for Linux, bad for SCO–By Peter Williams –
vnunet.com - SGI:
Letter to the Linux Community– Get bit SCO - Halloween IX:
It Ain’t Necessarily SCO– - An
Open Letter to Darl-Newsforge good thoughts by ESR - ‘SCO’ code could
be written out of Linux–
Red Hat Files Complaint Over SCO’s Linux Claims –- CALDERA
Employees work on Kernel– Jeff:I told you so - Torvalds
Speaks Out on SCO, Linux– from e-week
SCO Owns Your Computer– Byte (how appropriate)- OSI Position
Paper on the SCO-vs.-IBM Complaint– - Eric Raymond’s
attempt to find holes in SCO’s claim–
SCO’s CEO says buyout could end Linux fight– by TODD R. WEISS
of Computer World This may be the defining story of the
entire SCO situation
- Friday’s Hearing (02/06/04)- The Transcript as
- The SCO/Microsoft Connection
The Linux and Main Summary– has to be good, quoted
Linux & Main editorial citing Microsoft– By Dennis
Powell- “SCO
press release - If it Look like
a duck, smells like a duck, walks like a duck? Its a duck HEY
DOJ WAKE UP!!!!!!! - OK, So Why
Did Microsoft Buy That SCO License?– by Maureen O’Gara of
Segment Two- Dave Whitinger and the (e)LXer of
We will be joined tonight by Dave Whitinger.
Dave has been on TLS many times, including last fall’s Linux Today
Anniversary show. Tonight we will chat with Dave about his latest
couple undertakings including his new LXer news site.
Dave worked for Red Hat in 1997, and in 1998 he co-founded Linux
Today with Dwight Johnson. After selling Linux Today to
internet.com, he worked with Atipa in their web services department
until everyone was laid off. For much of 2002, he worked for the
good folks at LWN.net, helping them with business development
issues after their unacquisition from TUCOWS.
LXer(.com) (pronounced Elexer) is a Linux news
website whose goal is to be driven by an editor who knows and cares
about the Linux community, has only relevant and tasteful (and
text-based!) advertisements, frequently updated with useful and
interesting stories, announcements, reviews, security alerts and
editorials, fun features to give easy access to the news, community
participation through discussion forums and open story queue
moderation, and an open database (compltely open with external
links included. Anyone can have their own Linux news website using
our feed!)
If you are in a band or represent an artist,
please contact us ASAP to be added to our play list.
Please join us on the show, and check our IRC
Chat (irc.thelinuxshow.com #linuxshow).
Catch the Linux show at www.thelinuxshow.com