
Tonight Live: Dave Whitinger Plus Microsoft Monoculture on The Linux Show

[ Thanks to Jeff
for this link. ]

Tonight Live: Dave Whitinger Plus Microsoft
Monoculture>> on The Linux Show!!
Tonight: On The Linux Show!!
Tuesday, February 17th, 2004
from Chicago IL
Tonight on www.thelinuxshow.com.

Kevin Hill, Arne Flones, Doc Searls, Russ Pavlicek AND Jeff
Gerhardt are bringing you a great show tonight ready to

Segment One- The News. We will cover
THE HOT NEWS of the week including: More on the
Novell Linux Coming out party, Microsoft news (told you so), the EU
pounces, a clueless pundit or two…….. and way more.

Story Links

Segment Two- Dave Whitinger and the (e)LXer of

We will be joined tonight by Dave Whitinger.
Dave has been on TLS many times, including last fall’s Linux Today
Anniversary show. Tonight we will chat with Dave about his latest
couple undertakings including his new LXer news site.

Dave worked for Red Hat in 1997, and in 1998 he co-founded Linux
Today with Dwight Johnson. After selling Linux Today to
internet.com, he worked with Atipa in their web services department
until everyone was laid off. For much of 2002, he worked for the
good folks at LWN.net, helping them with business development
issues after their unacquisition from TUCOWS.

LXer(.com) (pronounced Elexer) is a Linux news
website whose goal is to be driven by an editor who knows and cares
about the Linux community, has only relevant and tasteful (and
text-based!) advertisements, frequently updated with useful and
interesting stories, announcements, reviews, security alerts and
editorials, fun features to give easy access to the news, community
participation through discussion forums and open story queue
moderation, and an open database (compltely open with external
links included. Anyone can have their own Linux news website using
our feed!)

If you are in a band or represent an artist,
please contact us ASAP to be added to our play list.

Please join us on the show, and check our IRC
Chat (irc.thelinuxshow.com #linuxshow).
Catch the Linux show at www.thelinuxshow.com

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