
Tonight Live: The Internet Goes Critical and Linux Keeps on Winning on the Developer Level

[ Thanks to Jeff
for this link. ]

Tonight Live: On The Linux Show!!
Tuesday, May 13th, 2003
from Chicago IL
Tonight LIVE on www.thelinuxshow.com.

At 6pm pt, 7pm mt, 8pm ct, and 9pm et…. Kevin Hill, Arne
Flones, Doc Searls, and Russ Pavlicek are back live tonight. Jeff
is taking the night off. We have a great show lined up tonight on
The Linux Show!

Segment One- The News. We will cover
THE HOT NEWS of the week. Tonight on the news: SCO
looks a lot like Microsoft, new Illinois law sets standard for
telco rules, Linux frenzy sweeps Oracle user conference, and way
way more…..

Story Links

Segment Two- Security with LaBrea!

Tonight we are joined by Tom Liston President
and founder of LaBrea Technologies, Inc. Tom
earned a nomination for eWeek and PC Magazine’s “Innovations In
Infrastructure” 2001 Award for the network security application,
LaBrea and was also an author of a book on the
technology titled LaBrea – Network Security

LaBrea is a network protection application that puts unused IP
addresses to work as a network “tarpit” for worm and scripted
scanning attacks on the Internet as a whole. By manipulating the
parameters of a TCP session, LaBrea is able to capture and hold
active attacks against unused IP space, allowing network
administrators time to track down and contact infected

In addition to being President and founder of LaBrea, Tom is
Vice President of Information Services – Prem Magnetics, Inc. Tom
has impressive credentials including being a Member of the
SANS Institute’s GIAC Security Essentials
Certification Advisory Boardand has earned a SANS
Institute/GIAC Security Essentials
Certification in 2001.
Tom is also a member of the SANS Institute/Incidents.org Incident
Handling Team.

As a security researcher; Tom has discovered numerous published
and unpublished vulnerabilities in network security applications
and worked with vendors to have these applications corrected.

As a programmer/developer; Tom is proficient in C, C++, Perl,
Python, Java, x86 Assembler, Pascal, and other minor

NEXT WEEK: No guest lined up yet.
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Catch the Linux show at www.thelinuxshow.com

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