CBS.MarketWatch: Novell Challenges SCO’s Unix Claims
[ Thanks to Ville Oksanen
for this link. ]
[Editor’s Note: Despite the widespread coverage this story
received in other media outlets, Linux Today posted this article
with a cautionary note earlier today. This was the only story that
mentioned McBride threatening to sue Torvalds, and it appears the
attribution is being played down. The clarifying story is excerpted
and linked below. -BKP]
“In recent weeks, SCO has been trying to persuade companies that
sell Linux, including computer maker IBM, to take out an SCO
license, particularly for clustering technologies in Linux that are
used to tie groups of computers together to complete heavy-duty
tasks.“SCO sued IBM on May 7, in a Utah state court, over
misappropriation of trade secrets, unfair competition, and breach
of contract. The complaint alleges that IBM tried to destroy SCO’s
Unix to benefit IBM’s Linux services business.“McBride added that unless more companies start licensing SCO’s
property, he may also sue Linus Torvalds, who is credited with
inventing the Linux operating system, for patent
CNET News: Threat to Torvalds Overstated
[ Thanks to Ned Ulbricht
for this link. ]
“SCO Group Chief Executive Darl McBride said a published report
that his company may take legal action against Linux founder Linus
Torvalds was overstated.“Responding to a portion of a Wednesday story by CBS Marketwatch
that has generated intense criticism from the Linux community,
McBride told CNET that targeting Torvalds is unlikely.“‘Virtually we see no reason why that would ever happen,’
McBride said. ‘We’re not trying to go down that path…'”