Thanks to Shaun Savage
for the tip.
The Senator from Washington is earning his contributions from
Gorton: Justice Department is Out of Control
Microsoft, Intel Targets of DOJ’s Power Grab
Washington, D.C. – Senator Slade Gorton (R-WA) demanded
accountability today from a Justice Department he termed ‘out of
control’ in its pursuit of the Microsoft Corp., saying there is
‘nothing less at stake than the freedom to innovate’ and government
intervention in the high tech industry will only hurt, not help
The government’s antitrust case against Microsoft is now in a
six-week trial recess.
‘I urge my colleagues to make use of the trial’s recess to learn
about this case,’ Gorton said during remarks made on the Senate
floor. ‘Microsoft is the industry leader that has helped fuel an
economic miracle, created thousands of jobs, and established
America as the global leader in high technology and redefined
almost every aspect of our lives.’
Gorton criticized the ‘attack-dog’ Department of Justice for
attempting to squelch the freedom to innovate and undermine job
creation efforts, not just in Washington state, but across the
country, citing the tens of thousands of companies in all 50 states
that partner with Microsoft.
Gorton cut to the core of the Department of Justice’s case by
saying it has failed to prove consumer harm: ‘Consumers have not
been harmed by Microsoft, but have benefitted – Innovation is
booming, choices are growing, and prices are falling for all
But Gorton was appalled that despite ‘their shaky legal case,
the Justice Department and the Attorneys General from 19 states
suing Microsoft are already discussing post trial remedies,’ and he
vowed to stop Justice’s grab for more funding through the
appropriations process.
Gorton summed up his argument by charging that the Department of
Justice has demonized the world’s most innovative software company
to simply reallocate resources from Microsoft to Microsoft’s
competitors – namely to the electoral vote-rich state of
California, which Vice President Al Gore has consistently courted
for his 2000 presidential bid.
CONTACT: Cynthia Bergman 202/224-3441