
ZDNN: What backlash? Linux acceptance strong

Thanks to Darren Boyd for this

“Linux has gone from curiosity to a platform exploding with more
than 200 percent annual growth.”

“The amoeboid spread of Linux continues, as vendors scramble to
line up partners, certify hardware and integrate applications with
the open-source software system, which they believe offers a
stable, modifiable platform at low cost to the enterprise.”

“In a short period, Linux has gone from being a curiosity to a
platform exploding with more than 200 percent annual growth,
according to International Data Corp…”

Keywords: Pacific Hitech, TurboLinux, IBM, International Data
Corp., DB2, WebSphere, Kyoto Sangyo University, Netfinity, Keylabs,
certification, VA Research, OpenSales.com, OpenMerchant.

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