
developerWorks: Installing a Large Linux Cluster [Parts 1 & 2]

[ Thanks to An Anonymous Reader for
these links. ]

From Part 1:

“This is the first of multiple articles that cover the
installation and setup of a large Linux computer cluster. The aim
of the series is to bring together in one place up-to-date
information from various places in the public domain on the process
required to create a working Linux cluster from many separate
pieces of hardware and software. These articles are not intended,
however, to provide the basis for the complete design of a new
large Linux cluster. Refer to the reference materials and Redbooks
under Resources for general architecture pointers.

“The first two parts of this series address the base
installation of the cluster and include an overview of the hardware
configuration and installation using the IBM systems management
software, Cluster Systems Management (CSM). The first article
introduces you to the topic and takes you through hardware
configuration. The second article covers management server
configuration and node installation. Subsequent parts of the series
deal with the storage back-end of the cluster. They cover the
storage hardware configuration and the installation and
configuration of the IBM shared file system, General Parallel File
System (GPFS )…”

Complete Story
(Part 1)

Complete Story
(Part 2)

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