
LinuxHardware.org: Intel’s Jump to 800MHz FSB: The Linux Side

[ Thanks to Augustus for this link.

“Intel’s stepping it up another notch and this time it’s with a
faster front-side bus and a new chipset containing a host of new
features. The Intel Pentium 4 3.0GHz processor with an 800MHz FSB
and Hyper-Threading will soon be available and we have one along
with Intel’s D875PBZ desktop board featuring the new 875P chipset.
In this article, we run it through the Linux compatibility gambit
and then take a look at this new processor’s performance verses
Intel’s previous leader and AMD’s Athlon XP 3000+. But first, let’s
get started by going over what the new chipset offers and what a
faster front-side bus could mean.

“The 875P chipset is actually made up of two chips (as most
chipsets are). The Northbridge or Memory Controller Hub (MCH) is
what controls processor, memory, AGP, and now Gigabit Ethernet and
is represented here by the 82875P chip. The Southbridge or I/O
Controller Hub (ICH) is what handles all the other peripheral
communication such as ATA (parallel and serial), audio, LAN, USB,
and the like and is represented here by the new ICH5 chip…”

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