“In an effort to address some of the barriers that are limiting
the spread of Beowulf class cluster-based supercomputer, PileofPCs.Org has been created. It
is dedicated to the proliferation of cluster-based
supercomputing (i.e. Beowulf class computers) by creating,
promoting and sponsoring the Open Source development of
distributions, applications and tools comparable to those sold by
traditional supercomputer vendors. All three of our initial
projects are being hosted at Sourceforge.net.”
“”PileofPCs.Org hopes to hasten the day that clusters of cheap
computers become more useful.. Our intention is to apply all the
technology, resources and volunteers we can to help the growth of
cluster-based high performance computing as fast as it possibly
can. Furthermore, the PileofPCs.Org is imbedded and wedded to the
Open-Source Philosophy and community,” Dr. Terrence E. Brown,
Founder/Executive Director.”
“We are doing this in a number of ways. First, we are creating a
new Linux distribution (and tools) that will allow anyone to easily
create a general purpose supercomputer – a Vanilla Beowulf without
being a linux programming expert. Second, given that a
supercomputer is worthless unless it does something; therefore,
perhaps more importantly, we are also, sponsoring the development
of wide range of useful applications both parallel and parametric.
Additionally, one of the biggest problem with deploying scalable
production-class superclusters is the lack of mature and tested
management tools comparable to what the traditional supercomputer
vendors provide. PilesofPcs.Org aims to change this as well.”