“Commissioned Research and Development Pushes Forward High
Performance Graphics And Visualization Open Source
“R3vis Corporation announces today that it has been selected to
receive a Phase One Small Business Innovation Research Grant (SBIR)
from the U.S. Department of Energy. The SBIR Award is for
performance-improving enhancements to R3vis’ OpenRM Scene Graph
graphics and visualization software, which is licensed and
distributed as Open Source software. The software enhancements
resulting from this grant will especially benefit scientific
research programs in which ever-increasing amounts of simulation
and acquired data overwhelm even the most powerful of computer and
display systems.”
“We are pleased to receive an SBIR grant to continue Open Source
research and development,” says Wes Bethel, R3vis Corporation
President and Chief Technology Officer. “High-end graphics software
has traditionally been very expensive, so an Open Source solution
is of great interested to both the scientific and general computing
communities. The SBIR presents an opportunity for us to focus
completely on high performance architectural issues, such as
thread-safety and parallel rendering techniques that will be
deployed on systems ranging from desktop workstations to high-end,
immersive virtual reality displays. Scientific visualization
programs benefit, not only from better software, but also from the
ability to make site-specific customizations that are often
required for high-end research applications.”