
RAID’s Days May Be Numbered

[ Thanks to Paul
for this link. ]

“The bottom line is this: Disk density has increased
far more than performance and hard error rates haven’t changed
much, creating much greater RAID rebuild times and a much higher
risk of data loss. In short, it’s a scenario that will eventually
require a solution, if not a whole new way of storing and
protecting data.

“We’ll start with a short history of RAID, or at least the last
15 years of it, and then discuss the problems in greater detail and
offer some possible solutions.

“Some of the first RAID systems I worked on used RAID-5 and 4GB
drives. These drives ran at a peak of 9 MB/sec. This, of course,
was not the first RAID system, but 1994 is a good baseline year.
You’ll need to click on the image below for how the RAID rebuild
picture has changed in the last 15 years.”

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