“These days, you must be careful when using the “E” word,
because often as not, it’s accompanied by its nemesis: the “F ”
word — as in “epic fail.” Especially when talking about cloud
computing. Plenty of arguments are made against the concept, like
“It was done in the ’60s with a different name and we’ve moved on,”
or “It’s just the ASP model all over again, ” or “It’s not secure.”
And there’s always the venerable old favorite: “It’s not
reliable.”“It’s going to take more than a few ropey arguments to stop
operating systems companies like Red Hat from moving toward a
cloudy future. The first two arguments — about the ’60s and
ASPs — are pretty much true, but they aren’t arguments
against cloud computing at all. All they are really saying is that
the concept was tried, but the technology and infrastructure
required weren’t up to it at the time. Big deal: Leonardo Da Vinci
tried to make a helicopter back in the 15th century and failed, as
he didn’t have a suitable engine. It doesn’t mean helicopters were
destined never to work — just ask Igor Sikorsky.”
Red Hat’s Deltacloud at Tip of Epic Change
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