San Fransico Chronicle: Oracle Show Aims at Rival
“Software giant Oracle Corp. will use its San Francisco trade
show this week to showcase its latest strikes against rival
Microsoft Corp.“That means bringing in industry stars such as Hewlett-Packard
Co. Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer Carly Fiorina to tout
the Windows- alternative Linux operating system, which Oracle has
been increasingly supporting during the past year. It also means
releasing a new version of a communications product intended to
displace Microsoft’s Outlook e-mail system in corporations.“‘It’s our duty to show customers the alternative to Microsoft,’
said Oracle Senior Vice President Mark Jarvis, who is head of
marketing. ‘We’re going to stick it to Bill (Gates)…’
InfoWorld: Oracle, Red Hat Working on Desktop Linux
“Red Hat has been working with Oracle to improve the desktop
version of Red Hat’s Linux operating system, with a view to
providing an enterprise-class environment that will run Web-based
versions of Oracle software applications, Red Hat’s chairman and
chief executive officer said Sunday.“‘We’re working now with Oracle to expand and improve the client
version of Red Hat Linux, and certainly we see the opportunity to
have Oracle applications running on Red Hat Linux,’ said Matthew
Szulik speaking at the start of the OracleWorld conference
here.“The companies already have partnered closely on the server
version of Red Hat Linux, tuning it to run Oracle’s database on
clusters of Intel-based servers. That partnership apparently
extends to client computers, providing customers with an option for
running Oracle’s software on Linux-based desktops and