
ZDNet: Linux Boosts Unix, Upstart operating system proves friend, not foe, to Unix

“Microsoft’s high-end server operating system, Windows 2000
Datacenter Server, is pushing on Unix from one side and the upstart
open source code OS, Linux, is pushing on Unix from the other. But
if the big Unix vendors are worried, they aren’t saying so.”

“On the contrary, they say the future has never looked better
for commercial Unix systems, as they take on the role of the
workhorse in powering e-commerce and industrial-strength
application servers on Web sites.”

In their eyes, the Windows 2000 adoption rate thus far has
been slow although Datacenter was released only a month ago. And
far from being threatened by Linux, they see it as a teammate
pulling in the same direction. Linux, after all, is the version of
Unix created for the Intel architecture.
It’s got “the same
DNA that goes into Solaris,” says Herb Hinstorff, Linux program
office manager at Sun Microsystems (www.sun.com).”

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