
20 Essential Tips Every Ubuntu User Should Know

“Turn Your Audio Up to 11

“The sound dialog menu has been a staple in every version of
Ubuntu (and GNOME in general) for many years, but in 9.10 it has
received a significant overhaul and no longer resembles a
traditional mixer. Previously, the maximum volume of a system was
determined by hardware and other factors and could not be easily
exceeded on a system-wide level. This was sometimes a problem,
since the maximum volume of a system could be well below what the
hardware could actually deliver. In 9.10, the volume slider has
been modified to boost audio up to roughly 150%…

“Create Custom Keyboard Shortcuts

“Ubuntu offers extensive keyboard shortcut functionality,
including support for some of the keys on multimedia keyboards.
These are often detected and appropriately bound out of the box, so
there is no need to assign them manually. Keyboard shortcuts are
managed through the appropriately named entry in the Preferences
sub-menu. To create a new keyboard shortcut combination, scroll
down to the desired action in the list and click on the existing
combination. When the current entry switches to “new

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