“Seeing a lot of user-submitted artwork and animations via
Blender, GIMP, and Inkscape enthusiasts (some of which you can see
in 10+ Amazing Short Films Made With Free Software) has made me
really appreciate images illustrated by hand, which includes
wallpapers. Given the season, illustrated wallpapers shouldn’t be
too difficult to find, and it might even get you excited for
Halloween!“Here is a set of wallpapers that feature this exact
illustrated-by-hand concept, though authors have not indicated that
they used GIMP or other open-source image editing application.
Also, some are from general wallpaper search sites, which I suspect
don’t always link to the original author, but a number of these
have a watermark (smart!) on them so they’re more traceable and
attributable.“You can also find a few tutorials after the set of wallpapers,
which may help guide you should you become inspired to create your
20 Stunning Illustrated Wallpapers: Halloween Edition
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