32BitsOnline.com expands into Linux Enterprise and Consumer
VANCOUVER, BC – November 24, 1998 – Medullas Publishing Company,
LTD., announced today the launch of its long-awaited transformation
and entry into the burgeoning Linux operating system market. The
launch of the new 32BitsOnline.com will accelerate the adoption of
Linux as the operating system of choice for large, medium and small
“The re-birth of 32 Bits Online Magazine as a Linux Centric
publication is extremely important in bringing forth our founding
ideals that there are options besides Microsoft Windows. We believe
that Linux is an untapped source of coverage for our readers,” said
Ronny Ko, Editor-in-Chief of 32BitsOnline.com. “Since our founding,
we have covered OS/2 and will continue to do so. In addition, we
will increase our coverage of BeOS, MacOS and, of course, Microsoft
32BitsOnline.com will be part of an effort to bring the Linux
community together. The partnership of 32BitsOnline.com and
Freshmeat.net is an important step in the right direction.
To further create a sense of community, 32BitsOnline.com will
feature a reader forum where readers can post, read and follow-up
on what fellow readers have to say about current issues affecting
them and the technology sector in general.
Ko added, “Search capability is one of the features that our
readers have most often requested. We are now pleased to announce
that all back articles are fully searchable.”
Allen Chan, 32BitsOnline.com’s Senior Programmer, offered these
comments: “The programming of the site was extremely exciting. Not
only does a large magazine like 32BitsOnline.com need to have an
easy-to-navigate interface, but the back end must also be powerful.
Consequently, our entire back end is now powered by MySQL.”
Thanks to MySQL SQL services, 32BitsOnline.com can now offer
advanced reader services such as mailing an article to a friend and
displaying articles in a more printer-friendly format.
Through a licensing agreement with Newsbytes News Service,
up-to-the-hour industry news will provided by 32BitsOnline.com.
Ronny Ko
Editor, 32 Bits Online Magazine
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