“First of all, it looks like there is a new logo of some kind.
If you look in the upper left hand corner, you’ll see a a colorful
circle with a white center. This is obviously different from the
Chrome browser logo, which looks like the children’s game,
Simon.“According to Frederickson, clicking on this logo opens a Google
Short Links window. Unfortunately, you need a Google.com domain
(which he obviously didn’t have) to go any further. It seems
reasonable to assume that this page houses a simple link page to
all the major Google Apps. But what’s odd is the wording that
reads, “Google is not affiliated with the contents of Google Short
Links or its owners.” No clue what that means, but maybe that’s
just placeholder text.“Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the window, the far right
side, you’ll notice a clock, a network status indicator (the “X”),
and a battery level indicator. Of these, only the clock appears to
be working at the moment. But all of those things are in line with
what has been found in the code for Chrome OS so far.”
A First Glimpse Of Chrome OS In The Flesh
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