
A sneak preview of new OpenOffice 3.2 part 1

“The final version is expected to be available at the end of
November 2009.Open Office 3.2

“Many companies have contributed to this version like RedHat ,
RedFlag and IBM, making OpenOffice more stable and useful. I
couldn’t stop myself from seeing new features and enjoying them. So
I downloaded DEV300m60 version. After playing with it for many days
I could say that OpenOffice developers have done very good work in
it. Well done !

“I will review in this post some interesting features : more
secure , faster , easier and more international. more secure

“Detect if non-encrypted streams are in encrypted document: OOo
expects that an encrypted document does not contain any
non-encrypted streams starting from ODF1.2 version. The exceptions
are the streams that are part of the ODF format: “mimetype”,
“META-INF/manifest.xml” and signature streams that follow the
pattern “META-INF/*signatures*”. The manifest.xml is part of the
document signature now: In OpenOffice.org 3.2, the manifest.xml
will be signed . This will introduce the limitation that macro
signatures can’t be introduced after the document was signed,
because this would need manipulation of the (then) signed

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