In This Issue:
- This Week’s Feature
- The Week That Was
- Freelancers Sought
- Coming Up
There are a lot of Linux devices out there floating around, and
still more on the horizon. We got to take a look at one this week
in the form of the Axis 2120 Network Camera.
The Axis can be hooked up to a LAN and configured via a web
interface. You don’t have to look far to find Linux in there,
either: just ftp to the camera, and peruse the file system to your
heart’s content. There’s an embedded web server, an ftp server, and
Linux 2.038 under the hood, all clocking along at almost 100
Our article has pictures, and a rundown of the camera.
Interesting stuff, and a lot of fun to play with:
Truly good news for the embedded Linux community broke this
week, as TrollTech announced that they’ll be placing the
Qt/Embedded toolkit under the GPL. This won’t change conditions for
commercial operations much, since they’ll still be buying the
TrollTech commercial license to develop under Qt/Embedded, but it
does make it easier for free software developers to write for the
Another interesting point raised during our interview with CEO
Haavard Nord was the fact that after GPL’ing Qt/X11 – the version
used with KDE – in September, TrollTech actually saw an increase in
revenues as high profile companies decided to take the toolkit on
for projects. And why not? There’s a veritable army of developers
out there who are familiar with Qt, and now that it enjoys general
community support under its new license, there’s not much stopping
its growth.
One other note on this though:
If you’re interested in seeing Qt/Embedded in action, there will
be demonstrations at COMDEX of the toolkit, a few PIM apps, and
some games running on iPAQ’s and Casio Cassiopeias. According to
Mr. Nord, there are already some KDE apps being ported over to
Elsewhere, anyone who has a real need to own an Agenda VR3 may
finally have their chance. We reported just last night that Agenda
Computing, makers of the Linux handheld, have kicked off a
developer program. By signing up, you’re entitled to $70 off the
Agenda VR3 Developer Edition, a beefier version of the handhed.
They aren’t taking credit cards – once you sign up you have to
print a PDF file and send in your check:
In the mean time, even if you don’t care to don the mantle of
‘developer’ long enough to claim an Agenda, you can still always
pick up an iPAQ and load Linux onto it. The whole process of having
your very own Linux handheld was made that much easier this week by
the creation of a binaries repository at
Next week will mark the launch of the Indrema Developer Network.
The IDN is the result of work between CollabNet and Indrema to
provide open source/free software developers a chance to produce
games for a cutting edge game console. We’ll be on hand at the
press conference and the launch tour of the new site. LinuxPlanet
editor Kevin Reichard, though, had something to say about the
viability of the Indrema, launching as it is in a sea of hard
- Editor’s
Note: Closing The Ranks Around Pikachu
Kevin’s points are well-noted: Indrema’s got a tough row to hoe
in this market, and the fact is that loyalty to Linux as a decision
in buying an Indrema is misplaced. Embedded Linux works for a lot
of people, but it isn’t your desktop’s operating system. If
Indrema’s going to make it, it will have to be on the strength of
its games – not the “gee whiz” factor of claiming you have a k-rad
Linux games box.
Finally, on the business front:
Transmeta will launch its IPO next Monday. We’re curious to see
how the company will do, and a little concerned that IBM,
previously committed to a Crusoe laptop, has backed out.
CNET chose a slightly gloomier assessment, while
The Register thinks it’s pre-holiday strategizing and maybe not
the blow one might think.
We’re still looking for writers to handle tutorials on embedded
Linux development, especially where handhelds and the toolkits
being used for ‘net appliances (Microwindows, W Window/Toolkit,
Qt/Embedded) are concerned. Please drop the editor a line with any ideas you
have. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!
Coming Up:
- Next week is the launch of the Indrema Developer Network. We’ll
be there, and we’ll bring back coverage. - COMDEX is just around the corner, and we’ll be there, too.
There are lots of Linux devices getting ready to hit the market,
and we’ll provide as many hands-on looks as we can.
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