[ Thanks to Michael Larabel for
this link. ]
“Less than a year ago we shared with you the revolutionary steps
AMD was taking to deliver significant improvements to their once
infamous proprietary Linux display driver and at the same time the
work they were doing to foster the growth of an open-source driver
for their latest graphics card families. These steps have certainly
paid off for both AMD and the Linux community at large. AMD’s
proprietary driver is now on par with NVIDIA’s Linux driver and
there are two open-source ATI drivers picking up new features and
improvements on an almost daily basis. AMD also continues to
publish new programming guides and register information on a
routine basis for their latest and greatest hardware. This has been
truly phenomenal to see, but AMD has now evolved their Linux
support by taking it a large step further. AMD is in the process of
pushing new high-end features into their Linux driver–such as
Multi-GPU CrossFire support–and with the ATI Radeon HD 4850 they
have even begun showing off Tux, the Linux mascot, on their product
packaging and providing Linux drivers on their product CDs…”