
Apache Today: Apache Guide: ApacheCon Europe 2000

“ApacheCon started Monday morning, bright and early, with a
welcome by Ken Coar, the vice president of the Apache Software
Foundation, and another writer for ApacheToday.com. It was still
rather early, so we were still trying to get moving. There were
already some technical problems, with the network not quite
functional yet, and so Ken had to work around this and various
other problems….”

“After Ken’s welcome, I attended the Apache Projects Overview,
led by Daniel Lopez Ridruejo, the author of Comanche, and a
Covalent Technologies employee. Daniel talked about the various
projects under the ASF umbrella, how they are organized, and, in
particular, how the Apache Server is organized, how it works, and
how the development process operates….”

“After lunch, I went to Ryan’s talk about modules on Apache 2.0.
2.0 gives modules much more control over the order in which they
are called, and how they interoperate with other modules. Filters
are a new way for content to be modified while it is on the way out
to the client. Some very cool things are going into 2.0. In answer
to the question that was asked every 5 minutes (“When is 2.0 coming
out?”), Ryan said that we could expect a beta release soon. As with
any Open Source project, things are ready when they are ready,
which is when people have time and motivation to work on it. If you
need something sooner, download the code and start working.”

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