“Servertec announced the availability of a new release of
Servertec Internet Server, a small, fast, scalable and easy to
administer platform independent application/Web server written
entirely in Java.”
“This new version features support for file and database based
distributed session persistence and caching; custom, console, file,
database and email monitor event handlers; and custom, plain and
secure socket handers. The release also includes numerous minor
changes, an expanded API, bug fixes and updates to
“Servertec Internet Server is a Web server for serving static
Web pages and an application server for generating dynamic, data
driven Web pages using Java Servlets, Java Server Pages (JSP),
iScript, Common Gateway Interface (CGI) and Server Side Includes
(SSI). It is also a feature rich Servlet Engine able to provide
Servlet capabilities to any application/Web server supporting
Apache modules, AOLServer modules, ISAPI, NSAPI, CGI or Java.”