
Black Duck Suite 6 focuses on automatic discovery

“Through the use of sophisticated algorithms that comb Black
Duck’s KnowledgeBase of 475,000 open-source projects and built-in
methods that match project code to the codebase, Rapid ID automates
the process of controlling the use of open-source software,
according to Black Duck executive vice president Bill McQuaide.

“The framework is customizable, so organizations can configure
Rapid ID to their own discovery and identification methods, and it
now has the ability to “learn” about a company’s methods, he

“‘We can’t anticipate how an organization uses open source or
what their identification process is, so after they do it once, it
can be saved as a rule and applied to other instances of that
code,’ he explained. ‘Our customers have seen a 10X improvement in
time to results.'”

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