“Added Resources Ensure Slashdot’s Role as the Online Town Hall
of the Open Source Community; Brings Andover.Net to 2.5M Unique
Visitors Per Month.”
“Andover.Net (www.andover.net), the award-winning online IT
network dedicated to servicing the builders of the Internet, today
announced the acquisition of Slashdot, the leading community Web
site for Linux and open source news and resources. Leveraging
Andover.Net’s financial and technical capability, Slashdot plans to
expand its news and commentary serving its community of open source
enthusiasts. Rob “CmdrTaco” Malda and Jeff “Hemos” Bates will
continue their creative control of the site as well as providing
direction for other Linux efforts at Andover.Net. As a result of
the acquisition, Andover.Net now has 2,500,000 unique visitors and
35,000,000 page impressions per month.”
“Slashdot is ranked #33 in the Hot100 Tech site ranking and #1
in the Hot100 Online Magazine ranking.”