“LinuxSolve, Inc., the leading developer of secure server
appliances for Internet infrastructure, announced today that it is
shipping the vHost secure server appliance, the industry’s first
secure Linux-based virtual hosting solution. Capable of hosting
as many as 200 web sites, the LinuxSolve vHost is one of the most
robust web-hosting solutions of its kind. The product includes
secure web browser-based quick installation tools, remote network
monitoring, virtual host administration, and intrusion detection
monitoring. Ideal for ISPs, ASPs, and mid-sized businesses, the
vHost is designed to be extremely easy to setup and manage.”
“The LinuxSolve vHost ships with the unique secure, hardened
LinuxSolve GuardWorks operating system. The most secure Linux
operating system available, GuardWorks contains security features
not found in other distributions of Linux. Among these features are
protection against stack-smashing attacks, prevention of buffer
overflows, detection and prevention of CGI attacks, SMB probes, and
OS fingerprinting.”
“Explains Thomas Knapp, Founder and CEO of LinuxSolve: “The
addition of vHost to our product line represents our serious
intention to become a leading provider of secure server appliances
to the ISP, ASP, and mid-sized business markets. Security, ease of
use, and lower total cost of ownership to our customers are the
driving principles behind every product we sell.” Knapp says that
vHost is one in a series of several innovative product
announcements that his company will be making over the course of
the next several months.”