“Reasoning, Inc., the first ASP to offer automated software QA,
today demonstrated its commitment to improving embedded software
quality with its founding membership in the Embedded Linux
Consortium (ELC).”
“Increasingly, developers of Internet appliances, home networks,
set-top boxes and other embedded applications are turning to Linux
as the operating system of choice,” said David Jones, president and
CEO of Reasoning. “Software quality is vital for these
proliferating embedded Linux applications not only because of the
real-time issues in embedded software but also for the long-term
growth and acceptance of Linux as an embedded platform.
Reasoning is uniquely positioned to reach out to open source
developers around the world via its ASP model to improve software
quality through its automated software inspection services that
detect critical defects early and cost effectively.”
“High software quality is fundamental to the success of any
Linux-related software application,” said Murry Shohat, interim
executive director of ELC. “Reliability is on everyone’s top five
embedded application requirements list. I am pleased that
Reasoning, a leading provider of software quality services, has
chosen to become a charter member of the Embedded Linux Consortium
to further promote quality initiatives as the embedded Linux
marketplace evolves.”