“The one million dollars worth of product being offered equals
13,366 units at a retail value of $73.00. With the wireless link
module, a tiny power-packed transmitter and included expansion
modules, freshmeat.net community members have all they need to
start creating 21st century “Wired Homes.”
“X10 was the first manufacturer to develop a low-cost,
do-it-yourself wireless home automation solution…”
“It’s refreshing to work with a manufacturer committed to an
open standard policy,” said Patrick Lenz, founder of Freshmeat.net.
X10 has long been considered a close friend to the Linux
“Firecracker Components — Computer interface- No bigger than a
Fig Newton(tm), the interface plugs into a serial port in the back
of your computer. The X10 through-port design allows you to plug
another device into the back of the interface. Using the
FireCracker(tm) software allows you to send commands through this
interface to the Wireless Link Module(tm) and through the household
wiring. This interface can control up to 16 sets of lights and