Foster City, CA - March 1, 1999 - The LINUX operating system is making big headlines, especially with the recent news that IBM will be offering LINUX on products ranging from network servers to portables and personal computers. IBM announced that it is allying with Red Hat Software, Inc., a LINUX distribution and support company, joining a growing number of computer manufacturers employing the robust and stable LINUX operating system. Red Hat's LINUX distribution excels in the most difficult step: installing LINUX. Now, with Red Hat LINUX Secrets, 2nd Edition, IDG Books Worldwide provides users with the definitive manual for quickly mastering Red Hat's specific distribution of LINUX applications and installation tools. Authored by programming and operating systems expert Naba Barkakati, Red Hat LINUX Secrets, 2nd Edition contains 900 pages of tips, techniques and shortcuts that will help readers take complete advantage of the raw performance and core functionality that are the hallmarks of this full-featured operating system. From installing the kernel to setting up LINUX as a Web server, to step-by-step explanations on how to customize LINUX for use with various types of computer and peripherals, Barkakati gives rich detail and real-world solutions. Using this information, readers will: * learn about dial-up networking under LINUX learn how to use LINUX as an * Internet host (www server and anonymous FTP server) understand how LINUX * and DOS can co-exist learn UNIX on LINUX learn C and C++ programming on * LINUX discover an abundance of LINUX resources The included Red Hat LINUX CD-ROM contains the LINUX kernel 2.0.34 and much more, including: * complete LINUX installation and configuration tools a graphical user * interface full TCP/IP networking tools for ISP access a complete suite of * Internet applications (e-mail, news and Telnet) Apache Web server 1.2.6 as well as text editors, graphics software, a variety of programming languages, a complete suite of standard UNIX utilities, text formatting and typesetting software and games. Specially tailored for intermediate to advanced users, Red Hat LINUX Secrets, 2nd Edition places in readers' hands everything they need to tap the full potential of LINUX. About the Author: Naba Barkakati has written 22 computer books on topics ranging from Windows programming with Visual C++ to LINUX, including Visual C++(r) Developer's Guide, and Borland(r) C++ 4 Developer's Guide. About the Book: Red Hat(r) LINUX(r) Secrets(r), 2nd Edition By Naba Barkakati 0-7645-3175-1 $49.99 US/$69.99 Canada This title is available at major bookstores and computer stores, direct from IDG Books Worldwide at (800) 762-2974, 24 hours a day, or via the Web at For reseller, corporate or volume orders, contact IDG Books Worldwide Customer Service at (800) 434-3422. For a review copy, author interview or more information, contact Stephanie Rodriguez at 650.655.5016 or IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. headquartered in Foster City, Calif., is a leading global knowledge company featuring a diverse portfolio of technology, business and how-to books and computer-based learning tools, including the best-selling ...For Dummies(r), ...Secrets(r), Teach Yourself(r), 3-D Visual(r) and Cliffs Notes(tm) brands. IDG Books Worldwide has more than 700 active titles plus translations in 36 languages around the world. More information about IDG Books Worldwide is available from the company's SEC filings (Nasdaq: IDGB) or by visiting its World Wide Web site, Information about our ...For Dummies(r) and Cliffs Notes(tm) brands can also be found at and IDG Books Worldwide is a subsidiary of International Data Group, Inc. a leading global provider of information technology media, research, conferences and expositions. LINUX is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and other countries. Red Hat is a registered trademark of Red Hat Software, Inc. ----Secrets is a registered trademark of IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For Immediate Release Contact: Stephanie Rodriguez 650.655.5016
Catch a Rising Star with Red Hat(r) LINUX(r) Secrets(r), 2nd Edition Learn the Latest on Red Hat’s Red Hot LINUX Distribution
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