Los Angeles – The Southern Californa Linux Exposition (SCALE)
will be Saturday, November 22nd, at the Los Angeles Convention
Center. A one-day event billed as the best grassroots Linux show in
the U.S., Expo coordinators expect 600 to 800 people to attend.
SCALE is part vendor-based and part Linux community-based. There
you’ll find IBM and Novell booths alongside booths for the Free
Software Foundation, the Orange Conty Linux Users Group, and many
others non-profit organizations.
Additionally, there will be three speaker tracks. The first is
“Kernel and Systems” with a series of talks for those interested in
the intricacies of the Linux kernel. Several of the speakers are
well known in the Linux commmunity, including Andrew Morton, the
current number two man in Linux kernel development.
The second track is “In the Userland”, which consists of talks
about Linux applications. For example, John Terpstra, will give a
talk about the latest version of Samba, the software package that
allows Linux to function like a Windows server.
The third track is “Altruism, Advocacy, and Evangelism”, which
focuses on the Linux phenomenon. Among the speakers is Dan Frye,
Founder and Director of the IBM Linux Technology Center. Dan’s
topic is titled “The Next step: Linux In An On Demand World”
Following the Expo, a free showing of the movie “Revolution OS”
will be held. Revolution OS covers the rapid ascent of Linux in the
booming tech years in the late 90’s. Afterwards, the director
J.T.S. Moore will answer questions from the audience.
SCALE grew out of a series of small Linux conferences called
“LUGFests” held in the late nineties by the Simi-Conejo Linux Users
Group. Based on their popularity we believed that there was a need
for a regional Linux show. So the So Cal Linux Expo was born. The
first SCALE was held last fall at USC’s Davidson Conference Center,
and filled the conference center. Based on that, the Expo was moved
to the L.A. Convention Center for SCALE2X.