
Community: LinuxTag is looking for speakers again

Martin Schulze

LinuxTag is Europe’s largest exhibition and conference covering
Linux and Free Software. It takes place from 5th to 8th of July at
the exhibition fair of Stuttgart, Germany. There will be about 70
hours of free conference program, like there was last year. The
LinuxTag people again are looking for competent speakers for all
areas of Linux and Free Software. Check out their
Call for Papers
. This year non-LinuxTag people have been
invited to join the program committee to select the best and most
interesting talks.

Talks may cover any subject around Unix, Linux and Free
Software. LinuxTag is looking especially for introductions, new and
trailblazing programs, practical use of Linux, concepts of
distributions, system administration, programming etc.

Last year Alan Cox was there, admitting “how the LinuxTag office
people were even concious this many days in is beyond me.” Even
Illiad from Userfriendly made a comment: “I’m very much looking
forward to the event next year, and I heartily recommend the show
to anyone who wants to attend a conference and exhibition that
refuses to neglect any of the elements that make our community and
industry sector as interesting as they are.”

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