“I work at a company which designs and manufactures networking
test equipment based on Linux. Every term, I hire a Los Angeles
college student or grad for a programming internship, and am often
dismayed to find they lack adequate exposure to Linux. This causes
me to spend precious weeks bringing them up to speed. Recently, out
of frustration, I wrote the CS department of one large Los Angeles
university, asking why their graduates generally knew so little
about Linux. The response was roughly“The overwhelming demand both by industry and students (as
related to me by faculty) at the undergrad level is for the use of
PCs with Windows. We know Linux is coming, but our CS department
does not (yet) plan to base a lab on it. If you can make a case for
Linux, please do so, we’d like to hear it.“Fair enough; here goes…”
Community: The Case for Linux in Universities
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