From Part 1:
“No one wants to spend money on something they can get for free.
If you’re building your own computer, or upgrading an old one, a
major expense is going to be Windows itself. This can cost upwards
of £100 [US$188/€144] and, if you want to add other
programs, you’ll find that the project can become rather
expensive.“There are alternatives to Windows and its compatible programs,
however, and we’re not talking about illegal copies of software.
Leave the Windows environment behind you completely in favour of a
new, freely downloadable operating system and you could find
yourself making substantial savings…”
Story (Part 1)
Story (Part 2)
Related Link:
Washington Post: Equip Your PC With Free Software, January 23,
2005 [Free registration required, but a decent “mainstream”
article nonetheless. -BKP]