“In this third in-depth interview focusing on ODF-compliant
office productivity suites, I interviewed Erwin Tenhumberg, Sun’s
Product Marketing Manager, Client Systems Group (Erwin’s own blog
is called Erwin’s StarOffice Tango). This series of interviews, and
the other activities I have planned to follow, are intended to
illustrate the rich environment of applications and tools that are
evolving around the OpenDocument Format (ODF) specification
developed by OASIS, and now adopted by ISO/IEC. (You can find the
previous interview with Inge Wallin of KOffice here, and with Louis
Suarez-Potts and John McCreesh of OpenOffice.org here).“Each of these interviews illustrates the unique attributes of
each flavor of ODF-compliant software. KOffice is an open source
component of the KDE desktop, and thus represents an interesting
contrast and alternative to the Office on Windows environment.
OpenOffice is also an open source suite, and is the lineal
descendant of the code that formed the starting point for the ODF
development effort. And StarOffice in many ways is