
Deadman.org: Quick Guide to XFree86 4 configuration

XFree recently came out with V4.0 of their implementation
of the X Windowing System. The documentation isn’t quite there yet.
I’m hoping people will find this info useful.

“There’s a super spiffy compile of XFree86 V4.0.1 here. (Heavily
optimized for i686) Just download and `make install`. Do note,
however, that this version will not work with the binary version of
the G400 driver that Matrox released. It should work if you compile
the source yourself, however. Update! Matrox released another beta
on Aug 30. This one has a much improved readme file and will
compile in the 4.0.1 tree, but suffers from many of the same
problems that the original beta did (poor dpms support, horrible
24bpp support, slow.) The good news is that the dual-headness is
working and they seem to be working and releasing quickly.”

“One thing I’ve noticed is that : XFree86 -configure leaves one
with a fairly vacant XF86Config file. The good news is that
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/ has a couple of example config files for you to
steal from. I found it vital to keep my old XF86Config file around
for mode-lines and timings and good crap like that.”

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