
Debian Touts Integrated SGML Environment


Debian Project
Debian Touts Integrated SGML Environment
March 30, 1999

>> News

Debian’s 2.1 distribution, now in release, features integrated
SGML, XML, and DSSSL infrastructure and packages. Debian’s
innovative SGML subsystem positions Debian as a premier platform
for SGML and XML developers, offering a complete working toolset
for documenters and markup programmers with no manual setup


  • James Clark’s jade 1.2.1 and SP suite version 1.3.3, enabling
    validation and formatting of SGML or XML <URL:http://www.jclark.com/jade/>.
  • SGMLOpen shared system catalog integration (no need to manually
    register SGML Public Identifiers or set with environment
  • docbook (v3.0) and docbook-stylesheets (v1.13) available,
    providing an industry-standard markup convention <URL:http://www.ora.com/davenport/>
  • psgml, which in conjunction with Emacs19, Emacs20, XEmacs19, or
    XEmacs20, provides a profession SGML editing environment.
  • jadetex, combined with jade, facilitates the conversion of SGML
    to PostScript or PDF, for high quality printed output.
  • a host of other SGML, XML, and DSSSL software packages are
    available, including but not limited to sgml-tools, expat, sdc,
    perlsgml, sgmlspm, and dsc.

We believe that Debian’s open model of participation and
committment to system quality (as reflected in the Debian Policy
puts Debian head-and-shoulders above other commercial or free
systems. SGML integration efforts continue apace in the unstable
distribution, including DocBook 3.1, DocBk XML, TEI, and more

For more information on Debian see <URL:http://www.debian.org/>. For
installation on how to obtain and install the stable release, see

>> About Debian

The Debian project is an organization of many users who
volunteer their time and effort. Its tasks include maintaining and
updating Debian GNU/Linux which is a free distribution of the
GNU/Linux operating system, and the development of the Debian
GNU/Hurd operating system.

>> Contact Information

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Contact <press@debian.org> or visit the Debian homepage at

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