
developerWorks: Developing LSB-certified Applications

“News flash. Linux has taken the next evolutionary step beyond
the source code compatibility of UNIX. Instead of porting or
rebuilding source code from one Linux release or distribution to
another, Linux has achieved binary compatibility between them all.
The application developer only needs to build once for each Linux
architecture, such as IA-32, PowerPC, or Itanium, then deploy.

“Linux inherently has binary compatibility; the Linux Standard
Base (LSB), however, has set some rules and guidelines that make
this practical for applications. (See Resources for a link to the
LSB home page.) The path to shrink-wrapping an LSB applications for
Linux requires you to code to the portability layer, use the
correct ABIs, test with the LSB application checker, follow LSB
packaging guidelines, and seek LSB certification. This article
presents these five basic steps for using LSB resources to develop
a binary-compatible application…”

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