
Eazel News for 7 November

++++++++++++++Eazel News++++++++++++++

We hope you enjoy the second edition of Eazel News. This is our way of
keeping you informed of the latest news on Nautilus, the GNOME project,
and the community of efforts to make computers easier to use.

If you wish to unsubscribe to our mailing list, please send us a note
at  webmaster@eazel.com.

++++++++++++++IN THIS ISSUE++++++++++++++

There's something new and exciting at Eazel.  Need to access your files
from anywhere?  Tired of the frustration when trying to download and
install software?

Eazel unveils the "Sneak Preview" of its Network User Environment for
Linux, available for free download at http://www.eazel.com.

The "Sneak Preview" of web services are integrated with the Nautilus
Environment to provide a superior user experience designed to meet the
needs of a web-based computing era.  Our preview includes online storage
that looks and feels like part of your desktop environment. But don't
just take our word for it, sign up for a services account and see for
yourself at: http://www.eazel.com/services.

Also, try out our Software Catalog, a rapidly growing collection of
popular applications and software, easily installable through the
Nautilus Environment. To use the Eazel Installer in the future, you will
need to register for Eazel Services.

Nautilus is the window to a network user environment that integrates
access to files, applications, media, Internet-based services and the
Web to deliver a dynamic and rich user experience.

Our Quality Assurance department and Eazel Labs has been working around
the clock to make your experience with the developer preview as painless
as possible, but if you have any questions or want help during the
installation process, please visit: http://services.eazel.com/support/.
LinuxCare will be providing email support and assistance during this
sneak preview.

Additionally, Eazel needs you. Please let us know what you think of this
release by submitting feedback here: http://www.eazel.com/feedback.html.

Nautilus has an active Testing team, and is always seeking new members.
If you're a Linux power user with an eye for detail and a passion for
tracking down bugs, join us! If you're not sure where to start, drop by
one of our IRC Bug Days, held each Monday at 1600 PST, on irc.gnome.org
(#nautilus). Experienced Nautilus testers will be available to teach you
how to report and verify bugs, and to help you get a Nautilus build
To learn more about Nautilus Testing, visit:

Thank you on behalf of the whole Eazel team for your support.
The Eazel Team

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