by Carla Schroder
Managing Editor
As much as I love computers and technology, after a long
hard week I look forward to turning them all off and going outside
to play.The human body is not meant to sit for long periods of time.
We’re not designed to spend all of our time in noisy,
over-stimulating environments either. One of my dreams is to have a
remote resort where people can really get away from it all: no
phones, TV, radio, no traffic noise. A place where you can go
outside and hear no human-created sounds at all; just the wind,
birds, bugs, and whatever other critters are in the neighborhood,
and think thoughts and breathe good air.The next best thing is having a bit of ground and some elbow
room, and some fun grownup toys like a tractor and implements. A
tractor is a necessity even on a small place, unless you enjoy
toiling all day doing things by hand. There is a special
satisfaction in having good tools, whether they are computers or
machinery, and in learning to use them skillfully. There is plenty
of hand work in any case.Any change of pace and scenery is refreshing and healthy. So
maybe I should be thinking along the lines of a geek dude ranch,
with an innovative blend of technology and good old dirt. Here is
how a day at a geek dude ranch might look:First, the very important safety training.
Then the mighty tilling machine goes to work.
See how it chews.
For variety and cross-training, a bit of ditch cleaning with the
backhoe.Or guests may wish to join the supervisory committee.
Then we cool off.
And finally, a well-earned rest.
After sowing and watering, two weeks later we are rewarded with
happy healthy new plants, and a refreshed mind and body.Images shot in Canon 14-bit RAW or JPEG, converted and
edited in Digikam.