by Carla Schroder
Managing Editor
The weather here is gorgeous. Sit inside and write an
Editor’s Note? Are you nuts? I am so out of here. If you’re stuck
inside, please enjoy these photos taken at various times this year.
I want to be reincarnated as one of my cats. Sheesh, tough lives
they lead.
This is bittersweet, a variety of nightshade. It’s not as lethal as
the kind with the dark purple berries, but the leaves and the
berries are toxic.
Delicious chanterelles.
This is a sculpture sitting out in the middle of nowhere next to
highway 15 in western Montana, called ‘Harmless Mischief Afoot’.
Unfortunately the light was bad and I couldn’t get a decent photo.
Still, it was cool to find it out there in the middle of
nowhere.All photos edited in Digikam.