
Enterprise IT Planet: Tux Can Give Windows a Helping Hand with Knoppix

“As you faithful Enterprise Networking Planet readers know,
Knoppix is a great all-purpose rescue CD for both Linux and
Windows. A few months ago you read about using Knoppix to run a
virus-scanner on Windows machines. The advantages of this are
getting the most current virus definitions, running the scan from a
guaranteed clean disk, memory-resident nasties are not present, and
it’s free of cost. However, it has one major downside–Linux
support for writing to NTFS filesystems is not reliable. It’s hard
to say what percentage of Windows systems use NTFS, which is used
by Windows NT/2000/XP, but it’s sizable, so having full read/write
access from outside Windows is essential.

“As usual, events move quickly in Linux-land. Behold the Captive
NTFS project…”

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