
Federal Computer Week: Linux rallies with low-cost, common OS architecture

Thanks to Randy for
this link.

“After years of relative obscurity, Linux, as well as
open-source software in general, has hit the market in a big way in
1999. Enterprise users are waking up to the value of software
developed by – and for – the people who use it. And vendors are
realizing that even when they give away source code, they can make
money by offering users companion tools and support services.”

“Linux, a version of Unix, offers a robust, stable, inexpensive
and constantly evolving platform for developing, deploying and
managing applications. As we tested the products in this
comparison, we saw something we hadn’t seen in quite a while: an
operating system market not dominated by one vendor. The benefits
are staggering.”

“The great thing about the Linux market is that there are many
flavors of Linux, each with its own benefits and target market. As
a consumer, you can select the one that best fits your needs,
whether you want a simple setup process, powerful administration
tools, strong development tools or network interoperability.”

“Not all Linux products are created equal. You can’t go wrong
with Red Hat or Caldera, while the others may prove to be more
involved than you need. In any case, you are certain to benefit
from the wide-open Linux market.”


[Don’t miss the links in the yellow sidebar – each link
points to another page where they review that product.]

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