
Fedora 12 Installation and Post Installation Guide


1. Fedora 12 Installation Guide
   2. Upgrading from a previous Fedora installation
   3. Configure sudo
         * Modifying sudoers file
          * Adding user to the wheel group
          * Testing sudo
   4. Configure yum
          * Basic Commands
          * Importing Fedora GPG keys
          * Third party Repositories
          * Graphical Interface for yum
          * Configure yum through Proxy
          * Yum Plugins
   5. Configure Fedora Services
   6. Install video drivers
          * Installing nVidia driver
          * Installing ati driver
   7. Install Microsoft fonts
   8. Configure Nautilus
          * Open each folder in the same window
          * Open Terminal here
          * Add keyboard layout in Gnome
   9. Configuring Firefox..."


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