
Forbes.com: Boies’ Take

[ Thanks to Bob
for this link. ]

“Hired gun David Boies can’t understand why no one likes his
client. All SCO Group did was file a billion-dollar lawsuit against
IBM claiming the computer giant was sharing code secrets with open
source developers. Somehow, everyone thinks SCO is in it for the
money and out to thwart Linux.

“In Boies’ eyes, it’s hard to see how anyone could jump to that
conclusion. The $1 billion in damages and future royalties SCO is
seeking won’t put a mere dent in the Linux movement: ‘That’s a cost
that gets lost in the rounding,’ says Boies, adding, ‘The cost
efficiency of Linux won’t rise or fall.’

“But there is another cost–the likely increase in billable
hours from law firm Boies Schiller & Flexner and others to
figure out this mess. The already convoluted tale took a new twist
today. Software firm Novell asserted a claim to Unix patents and
copyrights. This is a direct rebuff to Provo, Utah-based


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