
FOSS Hits & Misses on a Monday Morning

BunsenLabs Linux, a successor to CrunchBang GNU/Linux formed by a group of the CrunchBang’s admins and other adherents when CrunchBang lead developer Philip Newborough decided to move on, is in the starting blocks with its first release candidate now available online.

For the uninitiated, BunsenLabs retains the same lineup as CrunchBang – Debian Jesse under the Openbox window manager with additional desktop-, multimedia- and hardware-related packages coming pre-installed to offer a better “out-of-the-box” experience (just like CrunchBang) – and is available in 32- and 64-bit versions. It also carries over the same helpful and informative forums which made CrunchBang stand out among other Debian-based distros.

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