
Free Software and homeschooling: reports from the trenches

[ Thanks to M.
for this link. ]

“We looked at specific educational software on Linux but did not
find anything that we wanted to add to what we were doing. At the
same time, we taught our children that they should learn to use the
computers and their software as tools and learn to use whatever was
convenient. So we used OpenOffice.org, Gimp and Blender, that run
on both Linux and Windows. We also taught programming to other
children in addition to our own, and even in this case we used FOSS
that ran on both Linux and Windows. We installed Linux because, as
a computer got older and Windows required more hardware to run,
keeping the OS up to date was less fun with Windows than with
Linux. Using Linux also let us do a better job of networking the
computers so we could access files on any computer in the

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