“Q: Let’s hear what Microsoft has to say before you start
pontificating again. What is the mission of the CodePlex
Foundation?“A: That’s fair. As stated on the Foundation’s “About” page, it
is:“The mission of the CodePlex Foundation is to enable the
exchange of code and understanding among software companies and
open source communities.“Q: Hmm. Kind of general. Anything else to help us understand
what Microsoft has in mind?“A: It looks like they expected that reaction, because the first
Q&A exchange at the FAQ you can find at the site reads as
follows:“Q: OK, I’ve read the Mission Statement. But what, exactly, is
the Codeplex Foundation going to do?“We believe that commercial software companies and the
developers that work for them under-participate in open source
projects. Some of the reasons are cultural, some have to do with
differing software development methodologies, and some have to do
with differing views about copyrights and patents. In general, we
are going to work to close these gaps. Specifically we aim to work
with particular projects that can serve as best practice exemplars
of how commercial software companies and open source communities
can effectively collaborate.”
Further Reflections on the CodePlex Foundation: The Glass Half Full
Andy Updegrove
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