“Groklaw is, as you know, a group effort. So, while I was
kicking up my heels at LinuxWorld, Dr Stupid kept slaving away in
the Groklaw research dungeons. And he has found something so
amazing, I think you will join me in thanking him for effectively
blasting out one rung in SCO’s ladder theory, the most important
rung too, the one about methods and concepts, and their claim to
contractually control what IBM can do with its own derivative
works.“Both judges in the SCO v. IBM case have highlighted that issue,
the contract issue, of whether AT&T retained control over
modifications and derivative code, based on methods and concepts as
opposed to straight copyright infringement, as being the one IBM
needs most to disprove, at least by my understanding of their
rulings. No doubt SCO’s witnesses it offered declarations from,
including Mitzi Bond, were a factor in the judges having to at
least consider this issue and address it. It is with great pleasure
that I present Dr Stupid’s findings, therefore. As you will see, it
shows that Otis Wilson and David Frasure, in their declarations for
IBM, are correctly recalling how things worked back in the