
How To Increase Security By Securing Your D-Link Wireless Router

“General Networking With D-Link Wireless Routers After
connecting your D-Link wireless router and opening the start page
in your browser, you’ll see a login screen. All of these
routers come with a default password or no password at all. The
first thing you’ll want to do is set one in order to guard
against local and possible neighborhood intrusion. While this
measure seems a given, many may be tempted to skip this step for
convenience. The administrator password is your first line of

“Next you’ll configure your network settings according to
your connection, hardware, and purpose of the router. In addition,
the option to configure remote management is offered so you can
access your router from outside your local network. It is not
advised to allow this unless necessary as individual internet
addresses can be spoofed and leaves your network another opening
for intrusion. In the advanced settings of the network
there’s a tickbox for enabling WAN (from the internet) pings.
Leave this unchecked so that your router will not answer pings
confirming its existence.”

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