[ Thanks to Falko
Timme for this link. ]
“This article shows how you can change the appearance
of your Ubuntu 10.10 desktop so that it resembles a Mac. This can
be achieved with the help of Elementary, Docky, and
Gloobus-Preview. Elementary is a project that provides a popular
icon set and GTK theme; Docky is an interactive dock (like the one
you know from a Mac) that provides easy access to some of the
files, folders, and applications on your computer, and more; and
Gloobus-Preview is an extension for the Gnome Desktop Environment
designed to enable a full screen preview of any kind of file or
directory.“I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!
“1 Preliminary Note
“Docky requires that you use a compositing manager on your
desktop. If you’ve enabled Compiz Fusion (e.g. as shown in this
tutorial: Enabling Compiz Fusion On An Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop (NVIDIA
GeForce 8200)), then you’re good to go. If your hardware doesn’t
support Compiz Fusion, you should enable the metacity compositing